What we Believe in a Nutshell
We at Love Community Baptist Church believe first and foremost in the Creator God of the universe, and in the Personhood of the Trinity as the separate but One, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the Bible, the Inerrant Word of God as His revelation and directions to us, His church. There are NO errors, mistakes, or misleadings in this Bible. As the church of Jesus Christ, we are a body of like-minded believers, not a building, and as such we have been given charge to “go into all the world and tell the good news” of Jesus Christ and His Work on the Cross to save the lost from deserved judgement in God’s righteous punishment in the place called hell.
We believe that we are a corrupt creation and not good in any way, thought, word, action or deed. We need a Savior, and Jesus is that Savior.
We believe that we have been saved by the perfect atonement for our sins in the precious Blood of Jesus shed on the Cross. This work is not of ourselves, so that no man can boast. It is a Work by Jesus, for His glory alone.
We believe there is only One Way to be saved, that it is by faith in believing on Jesus as the author of our Salvation, repenting from our sins, and following His commands in obedience.
We are a Southern Baptist Conference affiliated church and follow the “Baptist Faith and Message 2000”. We affirm these statements of belief and they are available to view on the SBC website.
This is our belief.