
Last night, I attended a men’s fellowship dinner with my good friend and neighbor, Glen Brown. His church is Calvary Baptist Church in Horn Lake. Ann attended the ladies fellowship with Dianne Brown. The ladies met in the gym and the men met outside. Brother Greg Cook, senior pastor at Calvary, led the fellowship, the focus being on the importance of men as spiritual leaders.

What a beautiful evening the Lord provided for us; A nice breeze, a glorious sunset; absolute perfection. And in the midst of it all was the spirit of God with us.

The food was potluck and for the most part, prepared by the men. It varied from fried okra to some very tasty tamales. I’m convinced that potluck meals prepared by the men will give the ladies a run for their money.

The importance of these fellowships cannot be overstated. During my life, church fellowships have been some of the most memorable and positive events. ’Dinner on the Grounds’ is a phrase I love to hear. Such a nostalgic feeling and imagery of so long ago and in the present, the same kinds of memories are being made. We can all be together outside the formality of a worship service and learn more about each other to strengthen the bond of our church family and our fellow Christians.

© 2022 Charles Crider


Reflections on the Renovation