Reflections on the Renovation

Reflections on the Renovation


As we approach a year since we had a serious conversation about restoring our old building and as we approach the Christmas Season, our thoughts turn to much greater things. We reflect on the Advent of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Our efforts began on a small scale and on a small budget. Almost immediately, we were faced with the reality that the repair that needed to be done was growing exponentially faster than our means. However, God provided what we needed to begin a full-scale restoration. Our vision for this old, neglected building was to bring it, as close as we could, to the state it was in when our past brothers and sisters were singing their praises.

I admit that I am overly nostalgic and ‘latch’ on to physical objects for the memories they hold. This building is not just a physical object; we can bask in the memories this place holds. Almost 150 years ago a group took a stance on this piece of land and they crafted this House of Worship. Did they envision their church reaching into the twenty-first century? Here, in the community of Love, Mississippi we can see and touch Ebenezer Baptist Church, as it was in 1876.

We have made great strides in our restoration efforts. God has protected us from harm as we toil along in our work. Some days, we are weary and exhausted from the burden placed on not-so-young bodies. Some days we are pleased, even amazed at what we have accomplished. All days, we thank God for allowing us the opportunity, and for giving us the physical strength to do this important work.

Our goal is to dedicate this building shortly after Easter of the coming year, and we will likely have another year and a half of final detail work.

Please help us with your gifts for this renovation process. You can give online at: or by mail to: Love Community Baptist Church, P.O. Box 521, Hernando, MS 38637. All gifts are tax deductible (501c3 status).

© 2021 Charles Crider  




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